Lectio Divina is a wonderful spiritual discipline that can be done individually or with a small group. It is Latin for “Divine Reading”. I find it useful for slowing down my reading of Scripture to listen to Holy Spirit and to be more open to revelation.
How it works
The step by step is pretty simple. Take a small passage of Scripture, roughly 5 to 10 verses. You will read through the passage four times with a different focus each time.
1. Reading
2. Meditating
3. Prayer
4. Contemplation
First up, read the passage nice and slow, allowing whatever God wants to highlight to stand out.
Second read through, stop and linger over the phrase or word that stands out and savour that word/phrase.
Thirdly, read again and talk to God through the passage. Enjoy using your imagination to put yourself in the story and pray to the Lord through what He reveals.
Finally, another read through and still yourself and receive whatever the Lord wants to share with you. Stilling yourself is wonderful way to finish, dwelling in intimacy with the Lord.
Why you should try it
Every time I practice the spiritual discipline of Lectio Divina, I am astounded by what the Lord reveals. He can take a very short section of the Bible and reveal incredible depth of revelation. When I was a part of the Discipleship Training School team we took time every week to work our way through the Beatitudes (Matthew 5 – 7). It was such a rich experience to linger over each verse and not rush through just to get the job done. What was also edifying was to hear from each other what was standing out through each reading. There was such rich variety on the same small portions of Scripture.
Lectio 365 is a daily devotional resource that helps you pray the bible every day. Written by leaders from the 24-7 Prayer movement, and produced in partnership with CWR, this resource helps you engage with Scripture to inspire prayer and shape your life.
Lectio 365 is inspired by the spiritual discipline called Lectio Divina, a way of meditating on the Bible that’s been used by Christians for centuries. P.R.A.Y. – Each day, P:ause to be still. R:ejoice with a Psalm and R:eflect on Scripture. A:sk for God’s help, and Y:ield to His will in your life.
Shape your life with weekly focuses around six practices that help us live like Jesus: prayer, mission, justice, creativity, hospitality and learning. You can also read or listen on the go with both text and audio options for each day.
Whichever you choose, I pray that you enjoy feasting on the Word through reading chapter after chapter, and that you enjoy savouring the Word small bite after small bite.
Hello friends! I’m Kristan Christian from India. I was a student in the mobile DTS with YWAM Scotland. It was a breathtaking experience! I had such an amazing time and I felt like God was with me every single moment and wherever I went. He is so good! This is a story about my experience during my Edinburgh outreach.
God working in Edinburgh
I was in Edinburgh on outreach doing evangelism when I met a guy named David sitting on the street. I had seen him twice before but this time God spoke to me and told me to talk to him. So I went and David told me lots of things like how he had left his family and felt like a failure.
God started to speak to me and tell he that David’s left hand was causing him pain. I doubted this and though, “that is not possible”. However, God told me “trust me my son”. He said this 5 times before I had the courage to finally open my mouth and ask David. David confirmed that he has been having pain in his left hand. At that moment I felt so connected with God, like I was just sitting in my Father’s lap.
The faith to persevere
I asked David if I could pray for healing and he said “yes”. I prayed for healing and asked if he had felt any improvement. David responded by saying “no, no improvement at all”. I prayed the second, third, fourth and fifth time but still no changes, no healing. I began to doubt again. But my Father said, “You can do this because I have given you authority and there is no sickness in my kingdom.”
I prayed again with renewed hope and faith. David suddenly stood up, gave me a hug and started crying. Father God had healed him! He accepted Jesus as his Saviour and has decided to go back to his family. I was able to bless and encourage him with the good news that his Heavenly Father loves him so much. I did not see David again on the streets of Edinburgh throughout the remainder of my outreach.
Lessons from DTS
Throughout the mobile DTS I learned a lot and grew a lot in my faith. I have learned two things from Philippians 4:13, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me and that God is my provider. I walk by faith with Jesus who is our Lord of lords and King of kings. I encourage everyone to gaze on His face and experience the trinitarian God.
Want to hear more testimonies from the mobile DTS? Check out this story. Interested in applying for our September DTS? Click here.
Hi this is Zoe, often called Ian’s daughter learning to live with Jesus which is great most of the time but can sometimes be quite a lot to live up to. This blog is about learning to live with Jesus. Most of the time I can get involved in a lot of the events at the base, go to Christmas parties at Paisley, make loads of great friends, go on amazing outreaches and many, many, many more! A great example of this is when I went to Africa, in April 2019. I went with Dad and an outreach team and had the time of my life. We got to spread the Word and at the same time enjoy the different culture and weather! We also connected with a Christian family who want there to be a base in their country and have land on which it could be built.
As well as all of these amazing things that Christians my age get to do there are also a few difficulties. School may be one for some people, as friends and frenemies may be confused as to why you would follow a religion and go “on holiday” but not relax by a pool eating ice cream all day. Some may be so confused that they start “bullying” who ever it is. I am very lucky learning to live with Jesus in many ways, but this is one that I think is very important, not being bullied, not having to judge myself every two seconds because I am afraid of what people think. This is a very big advantage, especially when I go on outreach because otherwise, I would be extremely self-conscious and not much help.
Another downside is that we often don’t have enough money for everything that we want. We have plenty for what we need, but it is often very difficult to have to say no I can’t get that we don’t have enough money. On a happier note I get to do this! And as well as doing this I can help Dad record songs and learn to fix leaks, boilers and loads of other useful skills in life. And many, many other things like this. Thanks for reading, I really hope I didn’t bore you!
https://ywamseamill.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/Untitled-708-x-325-px-300x138.png00Amanda Bentonhttps://ywamseamill.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/Untitled-708-x-325-px-300x138.pngAmanda Benton2022-03-03 19:29:342022-03-03 19:29:35Learning to Live with Jesus
Written by: DTS student from our September DTS 2019
This is a testimony about our lives and actions representing Christ, whatever we do, and how someone is always listening or watching.
The hostel
It was about midway through the week of our mid-term outreach in Inverness. After our group had been singing worship songs in the hostel lounge in the early evening, a friend and I stayed later. We asked to join a game the group of five was playing. We went from answering trivia questions, to talking about Canadian maple syrup, to holidays/traditions we each celebrate. This ended up with the question as to why each of us were at the hostel.
When we were talking about holidays, we had been talking about what Christmas means to us as Christians. Why we celebrate it and what it looks like in our families tradition wise. By this time, some of the others had left, so we were specifically speaking to one Chinese man. This led into my friend and I talking about what we were doing in Inverness. We explained what YWAM is and in essence what evangelism was. This led into us sharing that we believe everyone can hear God’s voice. Eventually, the man shared how at one point he had the opportunity to get baptised but felt like he had missed his chance.
A God encounter
Then I got a word of knowledge about his back. So I asked him if he had any pain in his back because God told me he had pain. He was shocked and asked “how did you know?!” He shared that he had gone in for a doctor’s appointment right before coming on his trip. I asked if I could pray for his back for it to be healed because we believe God loves to heal people. He agreed and we prayed. I don’t know if he felt anything actually change physically in that moment, but he definitely experienced something emotionally. He said “Wow, I believe your God is real.”
We sat in silence for a few minutes and watched as God was doing something in his heart. Next he brought up some questions too. He started talking and going on about a story he had once heard about someone who got healed by a witch doctor by offering up sacrifices. My friend jumped in and said, “But that’s the difference between Jesus and other spiritual acts, Jesus gives his love and healing and talks with us freely, we don’t have to sacrifice things, it’s a free gift.”
We talked more about what Jesus did for us and conquered on the cross. We talked about why He did it, and what that means for us now. That it is a freely given gift that brings us into relationship with Jesus. He gave us the Holy Spirit to live inside of us so He can talk with us, and He actually wants to get to know us.
The response
Eventually my friend asked, “So do you want that? Do you want to pray?” He responded with “Yes. Yes I want that.”
We sat in more silence, and then led him in confessing his sins and inviting Jesus into his heart! As we were sitting there, we could hear him whispering “Thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus.”
Representing Christ
It was such an amazing and incredible experience that started from such a far off topic of conversation! We definitely couldn’t have guessed everything was going to play out like it did. God had our new friend’s eternity on his heart and was chasing him down that night!
The man brought up several times in our conversation how beautiful the worship music had been. It was a cool reminder that no matter what we are doing, we are always representing Christ, and there will be others watching and listening.
https://ywamseamill.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/Untitled-708-x-325-px-300x138.png00Amanda Bentonhttps://ywamseamill.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/Untitled-708-x-325-px-300x138.pngAmanda Benton2022-03-03 19:27:552022-03-03 19:27:57Representing Christ in the Ordinary
My story might be a bit different from some, it is all about trust in God, so here it goes. Our journey started before 2014 but culminated in coming to Seamill to do the fall DTS in mid-September 2014. We knew we were supposed to be in Scotland at that time but in June of 2014 we still didn’t know how we were going to get there. Much less what we were going to do once we did!
In a series of miraculous events, we ended up finding out about YWAM, Seamill and the date of the DTS. It’s much more exciting than the way I just phrased this but I don’t have that much space! We applied in July and because we weren’t the normal “age” they questioned us several times. They asked if we wanted to do a Crossroads DTS. Honestly we didn’t know what a DTS was, we just wanted to get to Scotland. So we said no – “if you want us we’ll come, if you don’t we’re coming to Scotland anyway!”. I guess they knew we were serious and that’s exactly what they wanted to hear, so we came.
A change in pace
Through a lot more miraculous events, we got to YWAM Seamill and completed most of the DTS. With two weeks left to go on our outreach to Cyprus, I lost the use of my hands and feet. We had established some wonderful relationships with the local church in Larnaca and my friend took me to her doctor. That doctor then referred me to a neurologist. They did an MRI on my brain and found a tumour which was pressing on my brain stem. I had to go back to the States right away and have brain surgery.
You may think – this isn’t very uplifting – where is the Lord in all of this? I also had my own questions, “God, why did you tell us to be here and have all these miraculous things happen? What is the point, why don’t you heal me, why am I going through all this?”
Well I had the surgery, the tumour was benign and I began my recovery process. I couldn’t walk, couldn’t feed myself for awhile and went through depression, frustration, etc. But I came through it and 10 months later we finished up the last two weeks of our DTS in Louisville, Kentucky.
The call of God remains
You see as my husband and I came home from Cyprus, we just knew that God still wanted us to be in Scotland. We didn’t know what was ahead of us but we knew we had a word from the Lord. We needed to finish well so we could go back to Scotland when this was all over. I wasn’t sure if I could – the surgery changed things. Physically I wasn’t the same but I had a trust in God that I didn’t have before.
I thought I had a lot of trust in God before, I mean didn’t we change everything in our lives – quit our jobs, sell our house, move away from our family, blindly move to a new country without knowing anything about what we would be doing? But God remains so good and so trustworthy! When you are facing death and you have no fear, there is a trust there that is supernatural and I thank God for that. He is everything He says He is and He is worthy of our trust (and everything else we could possibly give Him).
An unshakeable trust
I wanted to tell this story because only God knows what He wants to do with our lives. Only He knows how He will lead us. Proverbs 16:9 “A man’s heart plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps.”
We’ve been here 4 years and the Lord is still directing us step by step. We still don’t know exactly why we had to be here when He said but we trust Him – now more than ever. None of us know the impact of the small or big things we do, but if we listen and have a trust in God, we can rest secure in His outcome.
https://ywamseamill.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/Untitled-708-x-325-px-300x138.png00Amanda Bentonhttps://ywamseamill.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/Untitled-708-x-325-px-300x138.pngAmanda Benton2022-03-03 19:25:342022-03-03 19:25:36A Trust in God
One of my favourite outreach stories does not sound all that spectacular on the surface. It was just a simple conversation with a church. But for me it sums up what outreach is.
I was in Nepal working with Titus Project. Titus Project is the outreach for the School of Biblical Studies. The main focus is teaching how to study the scriptures. This is so that pastors and church leaders who are unable to attend seminary can still study the word. They can also have access to solid biblical truths.
The Struggles
We had been teaching for almost 2 months at this point and we were tired. It was a struggle to figure out how to fit our western style teaching system into an eastern world view. We wanted to do this without compromising the content of what we were teaching. Which is no easy task. We were also a team of all introverts who were trying to connect with a group of extremely extroverted people. It was not going well and was rather discouraging. We were questioning the point of us even being there. Especially since we had not seen much fruit from anything we had done.
The location we were in was a church in a small village somewhere in the Himalayas. Honestly I still have no idea where we were exactly. We had been teaching all week, and as I said pretty exhausted.
A Surprising Moment
It so happened that our week of teaching landed on a Major Hindu holiday. The tradition was that the oldest son in the household would come around and bless each member of the family. He would then give each of the daughters the bindi (the red dot on their forehead).
The pastor of the church and his oldest son were both believers. The mother and rest of the household were Hindu.
In the middle of one of our worship and teaching sessions the mother walks in and tries to get her son to leave with her so that he could perform this ceremony. He refused and chaos ensued. I have never seen such an uproar. She was publicly shaming him, calling him a bad son and all sorts of other things. Immediately the pastor jumped in and started yelling, then all the other women got involved. It was a very noisy chaotic mess. In the midst of it all the son just sat there. He seemed so stoic and peaceful. He refused to leave with his mother and eventually the dust settled. We were able to finish our worship session in relative peace.
Once everything was over one of my teammates asked him what happened and why he responded the way he did. He said that the only reason he had been able to sit in the church and not respond out of anger is because of something that another YWAM team had told him a few weeks earlier. The rough translation of his answer was about Jesus being with us in the middle of our hardest moments.
The Ripples of Influence
What is important to know is that that team had no idea the influence they had on this boy’s life. In fact they were probably rather discouraged by the lack of response they had in the moment; we often don’t get to see the impact that we have on others. I was privileged to see how much this team had affected his walk with the Lord. Our team was also extremely encouraged by it at the time. But the team still have no idea.
God gave me the revelation that just because we hadn’t seen the impact we were having didn’t mean it wasn’t happening. There have been many outreach teams that come back discouraged because they didn’t have what we would consider “amazing stories”. There were no salvation stories or spectacular moments, no one broke down in tears or got miraculously healed. But we can all take this story as a living example of how God’s word never goes out without making a change in someone’s life. That is what outreach is.
The beauty of being part of YWAM (in my case at YWAM Seamill) is the freedom to follow God’s leading when He speaks within the simple but profound context of “To know God and make Him known”. This leads to being with a mission always.
We are two single women of very different backgrounds who met doing our DTS in Hawaii – and not even on the same DTS. Going to do a DTS when the “youth” bit no longer applied, was a step of faith. However, I was following God’s lead (though it did not necessarily making sense in my own logic). He gave me a new friend with whom I could start dreaming out loud on sunny Sunday afternoons at the Kona Pier. The deep desire to be able to go to other lands and peoples and share God’s love was a shared dream and desire. It was great to be able to share dreams with someone and in turn hear her dreams.
God had His own plans
So it began. In early 2018 we went on our first short-term (2 & ½ months) mission trip. In this blog post I would like to write about our second, and hopefully not last, mission trip to South East Asia at the end of 2019. We had 3 locations planned, 2 in Vietnam and 1 in Cambodia. However, according to Prov. 16:9 “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps”. God indeed changed our plans to 1 location in Vietnam and 2 in Cambodia.
This change of plan was not in God’s quiet voice, but by the cancellation of our second location in Vietnam at the end of our first week. We were in the midst of acclimatising to the tropical climate and catching up (we live in different countries). “What now?” we thought. Through a wonderful lady we met on our previous trip to Central America, we connected with a long-time missionary who “just happened” to be not just in the same city as us, but in exactly the same guesthouse! At a 7:30am breakfast appointment on the day we were leaving we met up and she connected us to a young man in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Locals rising up
The absolute beauty of what we experienced and saw in all 3 locations was that all these ministries are pioneered and run by people in their home towns and villages. We foreigners join in as encouragement and support. I was so thrilled to see this. Because when I was younger and first started dreaming of missionary work, all the ministries I knew about in South East Asia were pioneered and run by people from the West. Big thanks to all those who gave their time and put their faith and energy into loving strange and foreign cultures to make Jesus known! Now their fruit is multiplying and new ministries are springing up and spreading the love of Jesus.
Our first location was in Northern Vietnam. A young single lady started this location only 4 years ago. It has already grown to 3 houses, many national staff and multiple international teams a year. We were only to be there for a short time. So we clearly knew from God that we were to offer to do exactly what she needed us to do. We first had a very fun day of orientation. This included learning about the history, present and culture which of course includes food. After this they kept us very busy. We loved every single minute of it (exception might be crossing roads with a continual flow of scooters!). It was a real privilege to be able to help in this vibrant work.
Growth everywhere!
The second location was the newly established connection in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Here we met a young man who was not YWAM, but had been part of another US based mission organisation. He was a youth on the streets before he was found and helped by Christians. After years of growing strong in his faith, God led him to go and live in a very poor community along a filthy subsidiary of the Mekong River. Two families live in container size homes built literally on top of each other. The community space and church he built only a few years ago is already too small. It cannot hold his Sunday and midweek meetings. We joined in where needed and played a lot with the roaming children, of which there are plenty.
Our third location was in Battambang, Cambodia. Here YWAM connected us to a man who is reaching his community by running an English Christian school. This is a school for children of all ages to attend when they are not at government school. The man is from this village and God used him to pioneer and run this ministry. And yet again, this school is expanding faster than the space available.
A blowing of God’s Spirit
Throughout our travels, I had the same impression and message while praying for the workers and their work. This is that God is blowing His Holy Spirit into these kindling, letting them erupt and shine forth.
I feel so privileged to be able to go, visit, and spend a short time with these amazing people who dare to step out and do what God is calling them to do.
Things escalated fast! First rumours from distant lands. Stories heard from China of a mysterious growing virus. Then, news of the spread to surrounding nations. Before we had the time to look up from our screens, the rude intruder ‘COVID-19’ was on our doorstep demanding that we cancel every conceivable plan we have for 2020! How could something invisible to the naked eye travel so fast and cause so much shaking to every aspect of our society? Amid the grief, loss, and fear that COVID-19 has brought, could there be a ‘divine disruption’, a blessing in these dark circumstances?
Corona madness swept onto our shores in the UK in late February leaving the government in a frenzy trying to figure out a way forward through such uncharted territory. At the same time healthcare professionals took deep breaths as the magnitude of the crisis built on the horizon like a scene from ‘The Perfect Storm’.
As social distancing guidelines were implemented to ‘flatten the curve’ we saw plans and long awaited events being cancelled, gatherings shut down, schools and non-essential businesses closed. We saw all of our favourite coffee shops, pubs, and restaurants struggling to survive, and then ultimately close their doors ‘until further notice’. Meanwhile a stockpiling war waged in the aisles of our grocery stores, leaving empty apocalyptic shelves, and drastically increasing the value of toilet paper! We have seen the best and the worst of humanity emerge – acts of fear driven selfishness, as well as incredible gestures of generosity and neighbourly kindness.
The Disruption
Here we are, currently in lock down, counting the days with a lot of uncertainty ahead of us; but not without a daily dose of humour to brighten the days! There is no doubt that COVID-19 has disrupted every single one of our lives, and will continue to do so for an undetermined amount of time. We are all adjusting to a new normal. We are affected in similar ways, and in different ways; experiencing a plethora of different emotions which are neither right or wrong – but they are ours to feel and to work through.
The implications of this virus are beyond massive. Many people are working from home and finding online alternatives to connect with work, friends and family. For some it has meant unemployment and loss of income. A real struggle is to know how we are going to pay our bills, feed our families, or regain job security. Some of us are feeling isolated and alone – having to adjust to unstructured days. For others it has meant homeschooling our children and having a full house. Staying at home can be an enjoyable family environment, an opportunity to rest, to reset or focus on creative interests. For others it can be very daunting and complex; like those in abusive environments or struggling with addictions.
For key workers this disruption has meant even more hard work, adjusting to the imminent demands, and needing to dig deep to get through each day.
Whatever our circumstances, we are experiencing limitations on every side – we are experiencing loss, disappointment, grief and more. The temptation is to blame something or someone other than ourselves. But blaming will only attempt to shift our pain onto an external target and doesn’t resolve the loss we feel in our hearts.
Divine Disruption
The term ‘divine disruption’ is when something unexpected happens. This is usually something negative or inconvenient that disrupts our plans and interferes with our lives. But as a result of this change, life comes from it. The disruption leads to progress and change that would not have occurred without the unexpected turn of events. This causes us to pause, to re-evaluate, reset our path, and to make positive changes that redeem the negative event and bring growth. I have often heard of individuals who have experienced a major life crisis; like a car accident, an attack, or relationship breakdown. After recovery the individual becomes a better, freer, and more whole person as a result of their experience.
Divine disruption: These two words have been lingering in my heart over the past few weeks of unprecedented uncertainty. We are already seeing some beauty and positive things come in the midst of dark times.Please do not hear me incorrectly. I am not suggesting that the Corona virus was caused by God, but He creates good out of bad situations.
We can easily read about all the negative news and repercussions on our society, which are very real. But we can also recognise a divine involvement braiding through our homes and communities. I am more grateful than I was a month ago for things that I am seeing emerge in this crisis. I am not suggesting that we ignore the struggle, pain, and harsh realities – these need to be acknowledged and felt! But we can also look at the world, our communities, and our lives right now and find good things that we are experiencing amid the struggles.
And the People Stayed Home
A popular poem by Kitty O’Meara has been shared all over social media throughout the past few weeks. Kitty was originally from Ireland and lived from 1839 – 1888 and wrote this poem in Paris during the Cholera pandemic in the mid 1800’s.
“And the people stayed home. And read books, and listened, and rested, and exercised, and made art, and played games, and learned new ways of being, and were still. And listened more deeply. Some meditated, some prayed, some danced.
Some met their shadows. And the people began to think differently. And the people healed. And, in the absence of people living in ignorant, dangerous, mindless, and heartless ways, the earth began to heal. And when the danger passed, and the people joined together again, they grieved their losses, and made new choices, and dreamed new images, and created new ways to live and heal the earth fully, as they had been healed.”
Listen Deeply
This poem captures the essence of the blessing that is in front of us in so many ways. For many, being forced to stay home has meant distractions are removed. In the stillness we are faced with our fears and emotions that we have numbed for so long. Some of us are starting to feel the dust settle; we are pausing, reflecting, and being still for a moment. This creates an opportunity to allow ourselves to reconnect with our hearts again. To allow God into vulnerable places, or to simply be present, meditate, and allow ourselves to listen deeply. This is not exactly easy, but it is a platform for radical change. We heal and seek out truth in desperate times. When we abide in the Lord, it is always fruitful; though it can feel restless and inactive.
It is in this place of many tensions that we also start to question what is important in our lives. What kind of ‘normal’ do we want to return to? Now that our normal has been interrupted, we might as well tear down our old ways and re-evaluate what we truly value. What do we want to keep, and what shall we re-envision? How will we move forward into a healthier, more whole lifestyle and society?
This excites me! Creativity and innovation are birthed out of struggle or a need for a solution. We would not have invented the flushing toilet or Penicillin without dire need. During the great plague in Britain Isaac Newton was sent home from Cambridge in a similar ‘social distancing’ precaution. It was at home in the countryside that he made some of his greatest discoveries. Watching an apple fall from a tree in his family’s garden led him to discover the law of gravity!
It is in struggle that we grow – whether we are being challenged on the front lines, or at home. This is not pressure to force yourself to be your most productive self. But allow the grace to lead you to listen to your body, soul, and spirit and inspire change.
Collective Experience
For the first time in history humanity is having a shared experience! Never has there been a time where we have had the ability to connect through technology in a global crisis that is touching most nations on the earth. How rare and amazing is that? COVID-19 has not discriminated according to economic status, culture, gender, or sexual orientation. No one gets a ‘get out of social distancing free’ card and none of us have immunity against this virus.
For the first time as a global community of humans we all need each other to get through this. In this bizarre season we can relate and empathise with one other as a community all around the world in a way that we have never been able to before. We have something that unites us as nations of the earth against this invisible enemy! There is so much scope for increased connection and compassion within humanity and between groups who may have previously been hostile toward one another.
We are not just collectively united to fight this virus together. We can be united in our experience of grief and loss, as well as kindness and generosity. This is a very bonding thing.
In the midst of the many unknowns ahead there is a divine disruption that is quietly seeping in. People are asking the question, “How can I give and bless the world through my gift or resource during this time?”
As a church – we have been forced out of the building! And we are finally realising what it means to be a body without our focus being on a physical church. God’s presence is filling our homes and we are connecting to one another in more meaningful ways. Our services and worship sessions are streaming the internet to where many hurting and hungry hearts are waiting; who would never have made it into a church building in the first place.
Families are experiencing conflict, which naturally arises when confined indoors together. And as these things surface, it has forced conversations to happen that would have normally taken months to present, hidden amongst the busyness of life. Honesty, vulnerability, and understanding are coming forth and creating healthier more open relationships; even though the process might be painful. Kids are spending more time with their parents, giving the opportunity to build memories that will be treasured for years to come.
And the list goes on, there are endless possibilities in which this disruption is creating beauty and goodness in ways we did not expect.
One of my favourite words in the Bible is the word ‘Selah’. This is a musical direction in the book of Psalms which means; to pause, to reflect, to contemplate before continuing. The Psalms were traditionally sung, and often this was an instruction for voices to pause while the music continued, giving a moment to listen.
As COVID-19 continues to sweep the globe we have corporately been forced to stop and take a ‘Selah’. We are in essence on a global time-out! Our once bustling global community has halted with brakes screeching. Many who have spent their lives running on the treadmills of busyness and noise have stopped. For the first time they are recognising the music that was playing all along. Even if this is the only thing you do – listen deeply! Go out on your short daily walk and be present! Listen to the birds – no one told them to stop singing because of the pandemic! Even in this very real struggle there is beauty to be experienced – so don’t miss out. There is deep pain and sorrow, but also joy that feels all the sweeter in a time of struggle.
Follow the divine in the disruption. You may be surprised what beauty you find there.