There are many ways to give to the ongoing work of YWAM Seamill. If any of these options do not work for you then please do get in touch!

We are in the middle of replacing our roof, watch this video to catch the heart of what God wants to do and what you can give towards.

If you are a UK tax payer you can give through Stewardship Services to increase the impact of your gift. To do so follow the link to the Stewardship Giving page, select either a monthly or one off gift and choose “Seamill” as the project you wish to give to.

Account Name: Youth With A Mission Scotland

Bank Details:

Royal Bank of Scotland
Paisley Chief Office
1 Moncrieff St.
Paisley, PA3 2AW

Account No: 00293015
Sort Code: 83-46-00

(Please put YWAM SEAMILL as reference!)

For international:
IBAN: GB35 RBOS 8346 0000 293015

We are registered with to receive money from all over the globe. Find us on Wise at

Get in touch

Ask about giving to Seamill