The School of the Word and Spirit (SWS) is a 6-week introductory course to relational study and overview of the Scriptures. The aim is a life lived from a strong spirit, greater awareness of spirit connectedness with God and keeping that connection whilst studying the Bible. The school of the Word and Spirit is not teaching about the Bible but rather studying it together in workshop style activities, so that it can be multiplied in any context.

Who is this school for?

  • Those wishing to learn together how to follow the leading of the Spirit in learning the Story of God through the Word.
  • Please note: Due to the nature of the study, this course is for those over 18 and proficient in English.

School Info


June 2025


The Seamill Centre, West Kilbride



Starting in:

  • Recognize and Break Unhealthy Cycles

    Inspired by the Six Dimensions of Wellness, this seminar explores the following interconnected areas:







  • Build New Habits

    Day one will be spent introducing the six dimensions and beginning to draft our personal goals for the six weeks. We will hold each other accountable to those goals during our time together.

    If we do something for 19 days in a row, it becomes a habit. Together, we will help you leave this seminar with some new habits.

  • Stand in Strength, Prepared for Inevitable Hardships

    When we learn to care for ourselves and grow in all of these dimensions, we can walk in the fullness of God’s calling and our identity.

    You were created to be whole. Come and find how Jesus is waiting to meet you in every aspect of your being.


Our schedule will be 9am-6pm. This will be a combination of hands-on teaching, workshop time, homework, practical work and lectures. We will often leave the classroom to explore the teaching in different environments.

We will focus on one dimension each week, building and incorporating as we go.

Learn to care for your body and treat it like a living temple. We will look at three areas of physical health: nutrition, sleep and stress.

Understand your connection with food and how that connection is formed by your culture and history. We’ll look at different diet styles, your body’s individual needs and nutritional variety.

Sleep better so that your mind works better. We’ll look at the REM cycle, sleep needs and tips for improving sleep.

Prevent burnout by recognizing and managing stress as it comes instead of letting it snowball. We’ll look at the three types of stress, coping skills, and relaxation techniques.

Goal Examples: Take a walk every day | Add a serving of vegetables to each meal | Put devices away an hour before bed | Practice journaling for two minutes when you notice feeling stress

Foster and cultivate a curious mind and incorporate growth and learning into your everyday life. We will gain new knowledge while studying our current giftings.

The world is full of new cultures, experiences, skills, languages, concepts and expressions. Whether it’s relearning fifth grade math or studying a theological concept, it is healthy for our minds to be challenged and stretched. We will look at different learning styles and mediums for learning.

Goal Examples: Read a book a month | Take painting classes | Learn a new language | Join a birdwatching group

Learn to recognize and understand your feelings, values and attitudes while managing them in a constructive manner. We’ll also learn to recognize and appreciate the feelings of others.

An important first step is to become aware of our mental reactions to situations. Do you have a positive or negative reaction? What is our internal dialogue saying? We’ll look at mental health disorders, self-care tactics and the effect our emotions have on our thinking and beliefs.

Goal Examples: Practice a new self-care tactic |Reference an emotions chart throughout the day | Spend five minutes a day practicing deep breathing | Take two minutes to verbalize what you are feeling and why you might be feeling that way when negative situations arise

Find a deeper love for God and understand your purpose. The spiritual dimension is the core dimension, the heartbeat from which all wellness flows. Our foundation is that Jesus is the center of it all.

We will dig deeper into the Word and let it guide us in all other dimensions. We will look at identity in Christ, Bible reading strategies, and spiritual disciplines and practices to draw you closer into God’s heart. We will look at how to hold to the truth when our feelings are wayward.

Goal Examples: Read the Bible for 15 minutes each morning | Praying while kneeling for 20 minutes every evening | Joining a new Bible study | Writing your own psalm once a week

Evaluate your relationships and let others care for you. We will look at the depth of your relationships, and talk about how to develop friendships and maintain healthy boundaries.

Simply put, we were not created to be alone. We need other people. We will use tools such as Myers-Briggs and Strengths Finders to get to know your personality and how you relate to others. We will discuss social media, conversation skills and conflict management.

Note: we will not be turning introverts into extroverts! Instead we will be honouring differences and learning how to relate to one another through those differences.

Goal Examples: Ask a friend to meet weekly to discuss a book | Have a difficult conversation with someone you have been avoiding | Go to an event to practice meeting new people

Become active in caring for the environment and the people in it. This area is not just about “the environment,” but about the environment in which you live, work and learn. It’s about the people you are around every day.

We will look at how to reduce/reuse/recycle to care for God’s creation? We will also look at things like how to work with people you don’t get along with and how to not feel dragged down by your work environment.

As an added bonus, we will briefly cover finances. We will look at simple budgeting, financial patterns, and how finances can impact our social wellbeing.

Goal Examples: Start recycling cardboard | Set a budget | Plant a windowsill garden | Join a litter clean-up crew on a monthly basis

Meet Yolanda Oosthuizen

Course Leader | Founder of School of the Word and Spirit

Andrea received her Masters of Education with an emphasis on health and physical education. She worked for five years in the field of physical education, and saw great value in a theory called the Six Dimensions of Wellness. But at a non-Christian college, she could only bring people so far–especially in the area of spiritual wellness. This seminar is an opportunity to bring God into the midst of it, centering Him at the core of each area.

Andrea did her DTS in Denver and has worked as a missionary in China and Norway, before making her way to the UK.

She is part of the YWAM Seamill leadership team.

Get in touch

To apply or find out more, please email or use the form below.