We believe that this generation has an important role to play in seeing the gospel preached in every nation, tribe and language. Come and get equipped and be a part of what God is doing in Scotland and the Nations! Go deeper in your relationship with God, explore your calling and get trained to go to the ends of the earth to spread the Good News!



Lecture phase focusses on knowing God and what it means to be a disciple. You will get trained as a missionary, learn to hear God’s voice and discover God’s calling on your life. There will be weekly lectures where we delve into different topics. You will be part of a community of missionaries from around the world, joining our worship and prayer sets, family style meals and community hang outs. Each week there will be time for one-on-one discipleship, small groups, practical ministry, evangelism, fun and adventure.

Our DTS begins with 10-11 weeks of lectures. After outreach phase, we will spend a few weeks debriefing and discussing going home well. 


The goal of outreach is to make God known. It is the time where you take everything you learned in lecture phase and go into the nations to share Jesus with others. Three billion people don’t yet know Jesus. God is inviting you to partner with Him by going to the ends of the earth to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Our DTS includes a two-week midterm outreach during lecture phase and finishes with a 10-week outreach.


Starting date: 1st February

End date: 25th July


Lecture phase: TBA

Outreach phase: TBA



These are some of our favorite topics to cover in our DTS’s:

  • Spiritual Authority
  • Sin & the Cross
  • Holy Spirit
  • Biblical Worldview
  • Character and Nature of God
  • Interpersonal Relationships
  • Missions
  • Fear of God/Lordship
  • Discipleship
  • Vision/Calling/Destiny
  • Re-entry/Going Home Well

Anywhere God leads! Some of our Outreach locations in the past have been in: the Middle East, North Africa and Europe.

Costs for the upcoming September DTS is TBA!

Seamill is nestled within a small Ayrshire village on the west coast of Scotland. Our base is ideally situated on a hill overlooking the Firth of Clyde and the stunning Isle of Arran. It is the perfect place to get quiet and seek the Lord.

The YWAM Seamill community is focused on the centrality of Jesus’ Presence in everything we do and every part of our lives. The base functions as a place for many to get away to be challenged, refreshed, and equipped, then sent out to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Come seek His presence with us in a beautiful part of the world He created!

YWAM Seamill
The Seamill Centre,
9 Glenbryde Road,
West Kilbride,
KA23 9NJ

Tel: +44 (0)1294 829400

Link to Hospitality Request

Youth With A Mission Limited
is registered in Scotland:
Registered Company No. 77148,
Registered Charity No. SCO13315

© 2022 All rights reserved.
YWAM Seamill is a part of YWAM Scotland and the wider YWAM Global family of ministries.

See our Privacy Policy.